Nasz zakład powroźniczy to rodzinna firma z wieloletnimi tradycjami, prowadzona z dziada pradziada od ponad 200 lat, po dzień dzisiejszy.
Została założona przez rodzinę Czarnieckich w 1956 roku, a w obecnej formie funkcjonuje od 2006 roku.

Ropes and strings of various length and thickness. Coated cords and ropes. More

The company based on traditions

Our rope-making company is a family business with over 200 years of tradition inherited by subsequent generations.

It was established by the Czarniecki family in 1956 and it has been operating in the current profile since 2006.

We are a recognized manufacturer of all types of rope products, lines and strings. We provide products for utility and constructional purposes as well as special lines for the sailing and tourism industries. We sell high-end constructional lines, sailing ropes and PCV coated lines and strings.

In production of lines and ropes we use advanced machines from Poland and Germany. In order to provide the highest quality of our products we hire skilled specialists and train them regularly.

Beside traditional braided, jute and cotton ropes, we also offer such products like welt and gardening strings.


What do we produce?

We are a manufacturer of attested braided line with a polypropylene braided core and polypropylene silk braid. Our offer includes ropes of different length and thickness. Beside constructional and sailing ropes, we also offer coated strings and cords.

Our offer

Coated strings and cords

Coloured clothes strings coated with PPF with non-expanded core (polypropylene silk)

Properties: does not absorb water, weather-proof, easily cleaned

Application: in households in ladies’ clothing, reeled on spools (10, 15 and 20 meters)

PCV coated braided cord

PPF braided core coated with plastics, non-expanded

Properties: weather-proof, easily cleaned

Application: in households in ladies’ clothing

Reeled on spools (20 meters)

Entwined ropes and lines

PP clothes entwined ropes and lines, 2-3 string

Application: in households

In clothing (15, 20 and 25 meters) or reeled on spools

Coated steel cords

Steel cords coated with plastics

Properties: durability up to 60 -120 kg, weather-proof, easily cleaned

Application: in households

In clothing (10, 15, 20, 30, 40 meters, can be reeled on spools)